Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fresh New Post of Awesomeness!

Good morning, everyone, on this bright and lovely Thursday morning! Can I just say I feel all kinds of amazing this morning? Well, I do. I woke up naturally just about at nine AM to a gorgeous ray of sunshine peeking in where my dog nudged the blinds over. Seriously, that's some Disney princess stuff going on there, and I live for moments like that!

First off, did you see what I did there? Like, right up there? Before you answer that, I'd like you to give a think about all the words you normally hear to describe feminists. Just a sample of the ones I've heard are "angry", "dramatic", and "negative." Basically, it's like people think feminists are just horrible little hags who look for things to be upset about and can't stand it if anyone's smiling. Guess what! Your bullshit alarm should be going off right about now. Okay, now did you see what I did up there? I'd draw an arrow up to the first paragraph in a neat little animation, but I don't know how to do that, so please just imagine a red arrow pointing from the word 'there' to the first paragraph...

Process my case of the morning crazies how you will, but the bottom line is that there is GOOD STUFF in life. No, I'm not going to blow any smoke up your skirts (or trousers or kilts or what have you) - there is a lot that we need to get on getting fixed. And yeah, I guess you could choose to go about being angry and negative about it. The way I see it, though, that sets us all back. If you approach something just being upset, you're less likely to sit back and organize. I'm not saying all the good stuff outweighs the bad, because I'm sensing a serious lack of balance in our world. It's not bad enough, though, that all we can do is wail and lament and gnash our teeth.

Just for kicks, here's a list of totally awesome stuff to think about today. It might be directly related to feminism, and it might not. Really, it's just things that are fun to think on because they'll make us happy. And, seriously, if you're here to put a negative spin on everything, please refrain from commenting on this part of the article. This stuff makes ME happy, so I'm trying to get you to think about things that make YOU happy.

  • The strides that we HAVE made: votes for women, moves toward workplace equality, women moving into the public eye and refusing to get out of it.
  • The good things that people do when it seems like everybody sucks, on any scale you can think of - whether it's helping ducklings cross the street, giving your seat to somebody who looks like they've had a hard day, or establishing privately-funded programs to make sure that girls are not shipped from core countries to be forced brides in semi-periphery or periphery countries.
  • The confused look on your mom's face when she realizes the folks in Hot Topic are the nicest people in the mall. (Happened to me when I was 13!)
  • That moment when you're short and a guy dressed as a pretty-close-to-movie-quality Darth Vader hands you the sword you can't reach.
  • The existence of creatures that just look like they were put here to make us laugh: aardvarks, armadillos, aye-ayes (this is not an animal alliteration association, I promise) and the king of funny-looking critters - the platypus!
  • Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...
Okay! That's enough of that! Nobody wants to hear me sing showtunes before 10 in the morning! If you do, I might just make a video if I get enough comments! Yeah, I just became that blogger. Heh, it might be funny... Here's another thought: how about y'all tell me in the comments all kinds of things that make YOU happy!?

Moving on... I just wanted my new post after not having internet for two days to be about things that there are to feel good about in life. This wasn't meant to be cliche or a collection of platitudes - I really want y'all to think about stuff that makes you happy. Yes, there is always something to be angry about, and I'm not telling you to ignore it or anything. Just maybe, if we rearrange our energy, we can use the positive things that do happen to make more positive things happen. It helped Sailor Moon last for five seasons! It's probably just not as effective to go into it thinking, even subconsciously, that there's so much bad happening that good just can't win.

In the words of Yoda, in regards to making things happen, "Do or do not. There is no try."

Yoda's pretty hard to follow, but this is Marigold, wishing everyone a happy Thursday!

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