Friday, November 22, 2013

Big News: I struggle too.

Go ahead. Call me a hypocrite. Call me a "bad" feminist. Call me whatever you like.

I'm going to level with you. I struggle very heavily with my own body issues, for however much I encourage other people to love their own bodies. Every day, my brain bombards me with things I would never dream of saying to another person. If I heard someone else telling another person the things my brain tells me, I would become violently angry. Again, on the level - I am seeking therapy. It's for more than just body image issues, but that is a large-scale part of it.

Just a sample of what goes through my head every day:

"Dear god, look how fat you are!"
"What the hell is wrong with you, you pig!"
-when eating- "That's it, piggy - snuffle in that trough."
"No WONDER your clothes don't fit, fatty!"

I have my own reasons for hating literally every single part of my body, with the exception of the Hidden Mickey that is my amygdala (look it up!).

Okay, now that all that is out of the way, listen to me, if you still can:


Please, if you hear the same voices in your head - the ones telling you that your worth is equal to the sum of the failings of your body, please get help. I need feminism to help me realize that these thoughts are not normal. I need feminism so that I can help myself and other women to stop accepting the things we say to ourselves that we would SLAP someone else for saying to us!

If I could trouble you to read something right quickly for you, this article inspired the writing of today's post: The Fitting Room Trenches: Fighting the War with the Mirror.

In there, they describe the articles women are bombarded with every day - the ones about constantly having to fix or improve ourselves. You know what those articles are doing, no matter how much we claim to be strong and unaffected by them? THEY ARE KILLING US. It happens every time someone looks in the mirror and wilts at what they see.

"Nobody will ever love me with THESE thighs..."
"Ugh, I look like a crack-whore with this hair."
"No wonder my boyfriend left me - she's prettier."

With every thought like that, something inside that person dies. It's like if you're watching Peter Pan and you just... stop clapping. And those advertising agencies (AND THE PATRIARCHY!) are making absolutely obscene amounts of money on these killing thoughts. As long as we're killing ourselves to "improve" this, that, and the other thing, they can keep selling shit we don't need.

You need soap to wash dirt and sweat and all kinds of goop off your skin - not to make your stretch marks disappear.
You need shampoo to wash ick out of your hair - not to land you a relationship.
You need a toothbrush and toothpaste so you don't get cavities and your teeth don't fall out - not because you're worthless if your teeth don't look like Chiclets.

Anything else, buy it because YOU want it. If you want to wear a full face of makeup and dress to the nines all the time, do it! Enjoy it! If you want to never, ever wear makeup and never, ever dress up ever, do that! Enjoy that too! If you want to never do the same thing two days in a row, that's fucking awesome! Just... whatever you're doing, please do it for YOU and to help yourself love yourself.

Example: I wear makeup and put on nice clothes because it actually helps me feel less depressed. When I perceive myself as looking better, I find myself feeling better. On the days when it's the hardest, when I've been wearing my pajamas for three days, I need to dress up the most. And I have had people tell me that I cannot be a feminist and wear makeup/dress up, because that's "feeding the patriarchy." No, I say! It's not feeding THE patriarchy - it's fighting MY depression. In my world, feminism means taking the focus OFF of the perceptions of cisgender men. So what the hell - if I put on makeup and a dress and that makes me look "conventionally attractive" to cisgender men, so fucking what? I'm not concerned with Random Cisgender Man X's opinion when I put on that makeup and those pretty clothes. I'm just concerned with making the voice in my head that says "You'll never be worth anything, you fat whore!" shut up for a little while.

The points of this writing:

1. Even feminists can and do have body image issues, so can the body-shaming. Can it!
2. We really need to stop body-shaming OURSELVES, cos it's counterproductive. I'm working on it.
3. Look however YOU want to, for YOU.

Thank you for bearing with me this lovely Friday, my friends - this is Marigold, OUT!